Advice On Hair Color
Just as the choice in hair color varies, so
do the reasons why the change is made.
If you were considering running out and having your hair
colored, before you do, you should seek good advice on hair
color. While millions of people purchase over-the-counter
color products to change the appearance of their hair, many
of these products are causing significant damage.
To get advice on hair color, start with your stylist.
If he or she is not an expert in coloring, then you want
to find someone who is. This is very important not just
for the final look of your hair but also for the healthy
of your hair. Obviously, for many people, changing hair
color is a part of normal life. Some men and women will
simply choose a different shade of their natural color
while other individuals choose a color completely different.
Just as the choice in hair color varies, so do the reasons
why the change is made.
Now remember that changing the color of your hair is
not a bad thing but you owe it to your hair to start with
good advice on hair color. Whether you are looking to
add a little color to cover gray, changing color because
you want to keep up with the latest trend, or simply bored
and want something new and exciting, you still want to
get advice on hair color.
Regardless of the reason or the color chosen, nothing
is more frustrating than spending good money on hair color
only to have it fade quickly, or to have your hair damaged
beyond repair. If interested in having your hair colored
but want to make sure it will last as long as possible,
consider the advice on hair color taken from several leading
You owe it to your hair to start with
good advice on hair color!
Before Color – Do not have your hair colored if
your hair is clean. Actually, you should not shampoo
your hair for 24 to 48 hours before the color is added.
The reason is that you need your scalp to have some
natural oils present, which helps the color adhere better.
Additionally, with an unwashed scalp, the color will
penetrate deeper into the hair follicles, making it
last longer. In addition to an unwashed scalp helping
the color stay, it will also act as a protective barrier
so that your head does not become irritated from the
chemicals in hair color. Therefore, the longer you can
go without washing your hair before you have color applied
the better.
After Color – Just as you want
the scalp to be unwashed for up to 48 hours before the
hair color is applied, you also want to wait for 24
to 48 hours after the color is added before shampooing.
By waiting to wash your hair, the color has more time
to absorb, meaning it will be richer and more consistent.
Although it might be tempting to wash your hair in 24
hours or less, you will have a more beautiful head of
hair if you wait.
Everyday – Many people wash
their hair on a daily basis simply because they like
a clean head of hair. However, if your hair is colored,
each time you wash it, even with permanent coloring,
some fading will occur due to the sulfates found in
many shampoos. Then in addition to the shampoo, conditioners
and other hairstyle products do not provide any protection
whatsoever to the sun’s rays, which also cause
hair color to go through a slow oxidation process. Therefore,
instead of shampooing and conditioning your hair on
a daily basis, as you normally do, extend that time
to every second or third day to help the color last
Hot Oil Treatment – Since this
type of hair treatment often has high levels of acidity
such as extra virgin oil, it can easily strip the color
from the hair. If you want to use a hot oil treatment,
just make sure it is a product designed specifically
for color-treated hair.
Chemical Treatment – Using
products such as straighteners, relaxers, and permanents,
which are all comprised of chemicals, can cause damage
to the hair’s hue. Depending on the product of
choice, you might even experience broken, spongy, or
brittle hair.
Color Glaze or Gloss – Ask
your colorist about having glaze, or gloss applied to
your hair at the time of coloring. In addition to extending
the life of your hair’s color, this will also
seal the hair’s cuticle. You can choose from a
semi-permanent gloss that is applied with or without
heat, both helping extend the color in a safe and healthy
manner. These treatments also give your hair more shine,
producing a beautiful color reflection.
Conditioning – A minimum of
once a week, you should use a deep conditioner that
is made for colored hair. This will help maintain the
color and strength the hair.
Hair Maintenance
Hair Cut - Always have your hair
cut before you have it colored, especially if you plan
going from long to short. Why pay to have your hair
colored and then cut off?
Hydration and Moisture – After
you have had your hair colored, you want to consume
more water than normal, which will keep your hair from
drying out and moisturize the roots.
Styling Tools - Avoid overuse of
blow dryers, curlers, hot irons, and other heated styling
tools, choosing to let your hair air dry, if possible.
If you do need to blow dry your colored hair, then use
a leave-in conditioner that will provide some protection
or set the air on cool.
- Water - If you plan to swim in the ocean or swimming
pool, be sure to wear a swimming cap. Unfortunately, both
salt water and chlorinated pools can cause the color to
fade and with pools, you might experience an unwanted
hue of pink, yellow, or green.
Sunshine – When out in the
sun, wear a cap or hat to protect your colored hair.
Hair Part – To prevent uneven
fading, you want to switch the side where you part your
hair so that different sections are exposed.
By taking time to ask for advice on hair color from a
qualified colorist, you could be saving yourself a huge
headache and embarrassment. If you cannot find anyone
near where you live, use the power of the internet. Simply
choose Google.com, Yahoo.com, or some other major search
engine and in the search field, type in the words,”
advice on hair color.” In return for your search,
you will be astounded by the number of websites found,
each offering a little different advice.
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