Hair Coloring Tips
The goal when coloring hair is to make it
appear natural |
If you are thinking about coloring your hair, the first
step is to gather as many hair coloring tips as possible.
Unless you are trying to create a look of pink or purple
hair for shock value, the goal when coloring hair is to
make it appear natural. For this reason, following hair
coloring tips is your best course of action.
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Let us first discuss how color works. When changing the
color of your hair, a specific process happens. Depending
on the type of color being applied, it will contain chemicals,
such as those listed below:
Ammonia – This alkaline allows
hair to be lightened when blended with hydrogen peroxide.
Ammonia typically separates the hair cuticle, which
allows the color to penetrate the hair’s cortex.
As the hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are applied to
the hair, the alkaline goes through the hair shaft while
the hydrogen peroxide oxidizes. The result is the molecules
in the color bond, thus producing the new color.
Hydrogen Peroxide (H202) –
This is typically referred to as the oxidizing or developing
agent that helps with the coloring process. The higher
the level of developer, the more sulfate is stripped
from the hair.
Demi-Permanent Color (DPC) –
Generally, this type of color will last for approximately
25 shampoos. Pre-color molecules work to penetrate the
cuticle, which then enters the hair’s cortex where
they work with larger, color molecules. Because of this
larger size, the color stays longer than with the semi-permanent
color option.
Semi-Permanent Color (SPC) –
This type of color is added to color molecules that
enter the hair’s shaft, although only the outer
layer, being the cuticle, is penetrated. For this reason,
SPC’s do not interfere with the hair’s natural
pigments. With this type of color, the color molecules
are much smaller so they do not last as long as the
demi-permanent color option. Although it will vary from
one person to another, typically, this color will last
10 shampoos.
Now, some important hair coloring tips to help you get
the most and best color for your hair include the following:
Gray Hair – This occurs when
natural pigment is eliminated from the hair’s
shafts. Additionally, as this color leaves, the hair
becomes coarser. Because of this, the process of coloring
can be a little more challenging. Therefore, you might
consider having your softened, which helps increase
the hair’s porosity, allowing more pigmentation
to enter, thus better coverage. You also want to leave
color on gray hair for a minimum of 35 minutes and use
one shade of color darker than the targeted color.
Fading Color – This problem
is one that many people complain about but some things
can be done to help. First, if you have chlorine in
your water, this could be a problem. In most cases,
using a water filter will do the job. Another option
is that your hair is too porous. Then this happens,
the ends will start to fad. You can buy a filler from
your local beauty supply warehouse or visit your colorist
to have just the areas needing a touchup colored. Another
possible cause is that the product being used is not
very good quality. In this case, switch to a better
Pregnancy – Hair coloring tips
while pregnant are always important. Generally, you
should avoid using any color at all in the first trimester
(first 12 weeks) of pregnancy. If possible, avoid coloring
your hair at all while pregnant but if you want to,
try highlights or a temporary color. Of course, always
talk to your doctor first.
Green Hair – If you have blonde
hair and have ever been swimming in a pool with chlorine,
then you know all about green hair. To correct this,
you can squeeze lemon juice or tomato juice on your
hair. Keep in mind that if you use the latter, you might
end up with a slight red tint. Another option is to
purchase color removal but pay close attention to the
change so it does not strip your natural pigmentation.
Dark to Light – For many men
and women, they want to change their dark locks to something
much lighter but fear that the results will be less
than desirable. If this is something you are interested
in, you might discover that achieving this is not as
easy as it seems. In most cases, hair color will only
change the hair up to three shades lighter from the
natural color. Therefore, if you want to go from dark
brown to a light blonde, you should have a professional
colorist work with you to ensure your hair is not damaged.
Light to Dark – This too,
can be a challenge in that the result will often be
a orange or green color. In this case, you might need
to have a second color applied along with a neutralizing
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