Dyeing Hair Tips
For years and years, both men and women have been dyeing
their hair. Back in the mid-1950s, henna rinses were developed,
making dyeing hair easy and something that could be done
at home. Although the henna rinses were extremely messy
and did not hold color very long, they did work. Since that
time, changing the color of hair has changed dramatically
and as you will see from the dyeing hair tips listed below,
you have a number of excellent options from which to choose.
First, you can purchase over-the-country dye kits, which
allow you to change the color of your hair completely
or just add highlights or frosting. Most of these color
kits contain chemicals,
which depending on the brand,
are harsh or mild. In addition to the options with chemicals,
other hair dyeing tips include using products that are
void of chemicals. While these are considered temporary,
they do stay in the hair for weeks to months, gradually
fading with each wash.
An important hair dyeing tip regardless of the type or
brand of hair color you choose is to perform a strand
or patch test first. In other words, before you apply
the color to your entire head of hair, take a very small
portion in an inconspicuous place, apply the color, and
then see if your hair reacts properly. If so, then you
know it is safe to use the product on all your hair. If
not, then you just saved yourself a huge problem and possibly
Other valuable hair dyeing tips include the following:
Before you apply any color, have
the ends of your hair trimmed first. The reason is that
the end of the hair is very porous. Therefore, instead
of having an inconsistent color, your hair will have
a nice, even appearance.
When you do apply hair dye, after
doing your strand test, apply the color to your roots
first. Because the roots are new growth, they will need
to be penetrated first. After applying the dye to the
roots, apply it to the ends of your hair.
If you plan to bleach your hair,
you will need to remove your natural hair color first,
making it almost white. This will help it absorb the
color better, looking more natural. For example, bringing
hair to a red tone with the use of bleach and then adding
a soft, blonde toner will create a rich, reddish blonde
As another hair dyeing tip, it is
important that you educate yourself about products and
processes. For instance, hair color is formulated with
green, gold, and red tones. Therefore, if you were to
dye your hair using a gold base, followed by a dye that
had green tones, more than likely, you would end up
with green hair. This happens because when dyeing your
hair, you can mix the shades of color but not the base
Rather than grab something off the
shelf, if you have any questions whatsoever, visit a
reputable hair colorist or visit the local beauty supply
warehouse to talk to a professional about the color
and product best for your hair type.
We would add to the hair dyeing hair
tips that at any time during the color process, should
you feel a burning or uncomfortable sensation to your
scalp, wash your hair immediately, removing the dye.
Working with your haircut, type of hair, and your personal
preference for color, you can turn dull, drab hair into
shiny, glamorous locks. Since the market is flooded with
so many different hair dye options, we have pulled the
top 10 products together for you. These were rated on
reputation, reliability, richness of color, and price.
Best of all, these products can be found easily at any
drug store or beauty supply warehouse.
- L’Oreal Feria Haircolor
- Garnier Nutrisse Nutricolor Masque
- Salon Selectives Highlighting Foam
- Clairol Hydrience
- Clairol Natural Instincts
- Clairol Revitalique
- L’Oreal Excellence Haircolor
- L’Oreal Preference Permanent Hair Color
- L’Oreal Casting
- L’Oreal Open Hair Color
After the color has been applied, if you find that you
simply hate it, at least on your head, keep in mind that
you do have viable options. Since most hair takes up to
72 hours to “set”, if you are unhappy with
the results of your hair dye, then you can contact a colorist
right away to have the color changed. While you could
purchase a color remover and do the job yourself, you
do take the risk of damaging your hair. In this case,
our hair dyeing tip would be to leave the change to the
pros. The best option if your not sure about a certain color is to check out your options before commiting to change using Virtual Hairstyling. There are a few Virtual Hairstyle programs available, the best we found was Stellure, as you can easily upload your photo, change color and style, and view the result in 3D with the ultimate clarity. You will find this great Virtual Hairstyling program at .
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