Hair Coloring Advice
Work with a qualified colorist, asking his
or her hair coloring advice so you can make
the right choices
The best hair coloring advice you can get is to educate
yourself about products, advantages, and risks. Without
doubt, hair color is a fascination for millions of people.
The option of being able to take your natural hair color
and change it into any color you like is indeed amazing.
Working with an expert is your best bet in that they will
offer hair coloring advice such as people with gray hair
can take years off their appearance, or an individual can
appear more fashionable and trendy with a new color.
While hair color can transform hair, it is important
to remember that when you put permanent color on your
hair, you are applying chemicals that completely change
the natural structure of your hair. For this reason, you
need to work with a qualified colorist, asking his or
her hair coloring advice so you can make the right choices.
Unfortunately, just as hair color
can turn mousey hair into something sleek and shiny,
hair color can also go terribly wrong. Worse yet, hair
color disasters do not always happen at home but also
at high dollar salons. Although this is not a common
occurrence, getting as much hair coloring advice as
possible gives you more control over the situation,
thus reducing the possibility of a disaster. Regardless
if you had a bad experience from a professional colorist
or made a huge mistake coloring your own hair at home,
there are solutions.
For example, if you went to a professional
to have your hair colored, typically, these individuals
will back up their work. Since it takes between 48 and
72 hours for color to lock into the hair cuticles, if
you had a bad experience, then our hair coloring advice
is to call the colorist immediately before the color
locks in. This way, the color can be corrected without
causing damage to your hair.
If you did the coloring on your
own but the results were less than desirable, start
by accepting that you made a mistake and then get on
the phone, making an appointment with a qualified colorist,
again with the coveted timeframe.
Just keep in mind that even the most qualified colorists
are people. Therefore, mistakes can happen. Give them
the chance to fix the problem before getting irritated.
Another piece of hair coloring advice is that before you
have your hair colored in the first place; make sure you
understand the pricing structure, as well as the guarantee.
When hair color goes wrong, you might need to go back
more than once to have the color corrected. This is perfectly
normal and in fact, it could take as many as five visits
to get the problem resolved. Unlike painting a new coat
of paint on furniture, with hair color, the colorist often
has to remove the bad color before the new color can be
added, which takes time.
To correct your botched home color job, remind yourself
that trying to repair at-home color is a difficult challenge.
You might start by looking for an 800 number on the back
of the color product. Most often, they can offer you hair
coloring advice. The one downfall to this is that usually,
these numbers are only manned during daytime business
hours. That means if you mess your hair color up on the
weekend, you will not get the help you need.
If the product you used was a vegetable, semi-, or demi-permanent
color, then you have a chance of re-coloring without much
trouble. However, if the color was permanent, your only
hope is outside, professional help. These permanent products
contain bleach or very strong chemicals that if not handled
properly can cause significant damage. The only way to
remove permanent hair color is with a removal product
formulated specifically for color.
In addition to standard hair color products, hair can
be discolored from other things. For example, chlorine
in a swimming pool can turn blonde hair green, or henna
can wreck havoc on hair. For the chlorine, you can use
lemon juice, tomato juice, or special shampoos designed
to remove chlorine. For the henna, keep in mind that in
addition to coating the hair, it is also very unpredictable.
If henna is your problem, consider the following hair
coloring advice:
Get your hands on mineral oil
Next, saturate your strands of hair
with 70% alcohol applied to cotton balls, avoiding the
After five minutes, a coat of mineral
oil, again avoiding the scalp area
Cover your hair with plastic wrap
Sit under a hairdryer for 35 minutes
or direct hair from a blow dryer for about 20 minutes
Then to get rid of the mineral oil,
apply a small amount of shampoo in the palm of your
hands, patting on your hair
Once the shampoo is worked into
the hair, wash it with water and a clarifying shampoo
To restore the moisture of the hair,
use a deep conditioning treatment
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